Scrum-Link – Retrospective (Set The Stage {Wir groven uns ein}; Gather Data {Wir teilen -wertfrei- Infos aus dem letzten Sprint}; Generate Insights {Wir analysieren unsere Daten und sprechen über unsere Herausforderungen}; Decide What to do {Wir beschließen Maßnahmen – diese Maßnahmen werden – z. B. im Sprint Backlog – umgesetzt}; Close the Retrospective. Die ID beim Retromat […]


Name Abkürzung Kosten Passing Zeit Fragen Professional Scrum Developer™ PSD $200 85% 60 80 Scaled Professional Scrum™ SPS $250 85% 60 40 Professional Agile Leadership™ PAL I $200 85% 60 36 Professional Agile Leadership™ – Evidence-Based Management  PAL-EBM $200 85% 60 40 Professional Scrum™ with Kanban PSK I $200 85% 60 45 Professional Scrum™ with […]


I’M AN ALBATRAOZ SONGTEXT Madames et Monsieurs S’il vous plaît soyez prêt pour AronChupa et AlbatraozC’est parti! Let me tell you all a story about a mouse named Lorry Yeah, Lorry was a mouse in a big brown house She called herself the hoe, with the money money flow But fuck that little mouse cause […]